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Version: 4.2


✅A Ubuntu 20.04.2 server for supOS
✅A USB dongle with authorization file

Install and configure Ubuntu Server

Installing Server

  1. Get Ubuntu 20.04.2 Server iso

  2. Proceed installation and create 3 logical volumes for mount points.

Mount PointMinimum Disk SizeRecommended Disk SizeFunctionMount NameDescription
/volumes200 G1200 GsupOS system data storagelv00If data volume is large, increase the disk mount size.
/home/supos/supos100 G200 GsupOS installation packagelv01-
/backup200 G200 GBackup file storage pathlv02Adjust the disk size based on actual backup file size.

Ubuntu LVM

Configuring Server

  1. Enable root account

    1. Open SSH configuration file.

      sudo vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config

      Ubuntu LVM

    2. Press ESC to exit editing and then enter :wq to save the file.

    3. Restart the service.

      service sshd restart

    4. Set the password of the root account.

      sudo passwd

    5. Switch to root account.

      sudo su

  2. Modify time zone and server time.


Configure time zone accordingly.

    1. Copy time zone file.
    2. cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Asia/Shanghai /etc/localtime

    3. Use date command to check the current time and time zone.
    4. (optional) Set date and time.
      • Set date: date -s 06/03/2019

      • Set time: date -s 17:55:54

    5. Write system time to hardware.
    6. hwclock -w

    7. Check whether the system time (date) matches the hardware time (hwclock).
  1. Turn off the swap partition of the server
    1. Execute swapoff /swap.img to turn off swap.
    2. Execute free -h to check whether the swap partition is successfully turned off.
    3. Open the configuration file.
    4. vi /etc/fstab

    5. Comment out the line with swap (add a #)
    6. Press ESC to exit editing and then enter :wq to save the file.
  1. (optional) Install tools.

    apt install sysstat net-tools sysbench fio zip

  2. Configure the static DNS.

    1. Delete /etc/resolv.conf.

      rm -f /etc/resolv.conf

    2. Open the /etc/resolv.conf file, press i to start editing and add a nameserver.

      sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf

      Ubuntu LVM

  3. Turn off the default firewall.

    sudo ufw disable

Installing supOS Platform

  1. Create directories under /home on the server for supOS installation package and the platform.

    • /home/supos/supos/downloads: For the installation package.

    • /home/supos/supos/opt/supos: For supOS platform.

  2. Copy the installation package to the created directory.

    cp xxx/ /home/supos/supos/downloads

  3. Decompress the package to /home/supos/supos/opt/supos.

    cd /home/supos/supos/downloads

    unzip -d /home/supos/supos/opt/supos

  4. Set supOS language.

    cd /home/supos/supos/opt/supos/bin



  5. Install supOS.

    cd /home/supos/supos/opt/supos

    sudo bash

  6. Check the service status after installation.

    kubectl get po

  • supOS will automatically start after installation. You can also manually start by sudo bash under home/supos/supos/bin folder. It takes at least 300 seconds to start the whole system.
  • You can ONLY stop supOS system using sudo bash under home/supos/supos/bin folder.
  1. Insert the authorization dongle into supOS server.

Uninstalling supOS Platform

You can select to only delete the programme file without clearing data or delete all data when uninstalling the platform from the server.


Once you uninstall the programme, the original configuration files such as “” and “dlake.json” will be backed up and renamed to “” and “dlake-xxxxxxxx.json” respectively. Rename them to the original names when installing the platform with the original configurations.

  • Uninstall supOS platform.
  1. Switch to the bin directory under the supOS platform installation path.

    cd /home/supos/supos/opt/supos/bin

  2. Uninstall the programme and wait for it to finish.

    sudo bash

  • Uninstall the programme and clear all data.
  1. Switch to the bin directory under the supOS platform installation path.

    cd /home/supos/supos/opt/supos/bin

  2. Uninstall the programme and clear all data.

    sudo bash